2024 - 至今深圳医学科学院 特聘研究员
2022 - 2023加州大学伯克利分校/霍华德休斯医学研究所 一级研究专员
2019 - 2022加州大学伯克利分校/霍华德休斯医学研究所 副研究员
2015 - 2019加州大学伯克利分校 分子与细胞生物学系 博士后
2007 - 2015中国科学院大学 神经科学研究所 博士
马晨燕博士在神经环路、睡眠、大脑免疫细胞等方面有丰富经验,其科研训练囊括了从分子细胞到神经环路和动物行为,其博士后期间的研究工作系统性筛选了睡眠调控神经环路、解析了大脑免疫细胞对睡眠的调控作用、研究了睡眠状态下大脑皮层的信息传递机制等,相关成果在著名国际学术期刊Cell,Neuron,Nature Neuroscience,Science 等已发表论文10余篇。
2014 China National Scholarship for Graduate Student
2013 Merit Student of Institute of Neuroscience
2006 Outstanding Student Scholarship in Nankai University
2005 Outstanding Student Scholarship in Nankai University
2004 Outstanding Student Scholarship in Nankai University
2003 Coca-Cola Scholarship for Outstanding Students
2003 Freshman Scholarship in Nankai University
1.Ma, C.*, Li, B.*, Silverman, D., Ding, X., Li, A., Xiao, C., Huang, G., Worden, K., Muroy, S., Chen, W., Xu, Z., Tso, C., Huang, Y., Zhang, Y., Luo, Q., Saijo, K., and Dan, Y., 2024. Microglia regulate sleep through calcium-dependent modulation of norepinephrine transmission. Nature Neuroscience, 27(2), pp.249-258.
2.Li, B.*, Ma, C.*, Huang, Y.A., Ding, X., Silverman, D., Chen, C., Darmohray, D., Lu, L., Liu, S., Montaldo, G., Urban, A. and Dan, Y., 2023. Circuit mechanism for suppression of frontal cortical ignition during NREM sleep. Cell, 186(26), pp.5739-5750.
3.Du, Y.*, Zhou, S.*, Ma, C.*, Chen, H.*, Du, A., Deng, G., Liu, Y., Tose, A.J., Sun, L., Liu, Y., Wu, H., Lou, H., Yu, Y., Zhao, T., Lammel, S., Duan, S., and Yang, H., 2023. Dopamine release and negative valence gated by inhibitory neurons in the laterodorsal tegmental nucleus. Neuron, 111(19), pp.3102-3118.
4.Yao, Y., Barger, Z., Doost, M.S., Tso, C.F., Darmohray, D., Silverman, D., Liu, D., Ma, C., Cetin, A., Yao, S. and Zeng, H., 2022. Cardiovascular baroreflex circuit moonlights in sleep control. Neuron, 110(23), pp.3986-3999.
5.Li, B., Nguyen, T.P., Ma, C. and Dan, Y., 2020. Inhibition of impulsive action by projection-defined prefrontal pyramidal neurons. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(29), pp.17278-17287.
6.Liu, D., Li, W., Ma, C., Zheng, W., Yao, Y., Tso, C.F., Zhong, P., Chen, X., Song, J.H., Choi, W., Paik, S.B., Han, H. and Dan, Y., 2020. A common hub for sleep and motor control in the substantia nigra. Science, 367(6476), pp.440-445.
7.Ma, C., Zhong, P., Liu, D., Barger, Z.K., Zhou, L., Chang, W.C., Kim, B. and Dan, Y., 2019. Sleep regulation by neurotensinergic neurons in a thalamo-amygdala circuit. Neuron, 103(2), pp.323-334.
8.Zhong, P., Zhang, Z., Barger, Z., Ma, C., Liu, D., Ding, X. and Dan, Y., 2019. Control of non-REM sleep by midbrain neurotensinergic neurons. Neuron, 104(4), pp.795-809.
9.Zhang, S., Xu, M., Chang, W.C., Ma, C., Hoang Do, J.P., Jeong, D., Lei, T., Fan, J.L. and Dan, Y., 2016. Organization of long-range inputs and outputs of frontal cortex for top-down control. Nature Neuroscience, 19(12), pp.1733-1742.
10.Xu, M., Chung, S., Zhang, S., Zhong, P., Ma, C., Chang, W.C., Weissbourd, B., Sakai, N., Luo, L., Nishino, S. and Dan, Y., 2015. Basal forebrain circuit for sleep-wake control. Nature Neuroscience, 18(11), pp.1641-1647.
11.Ma, C.#, Yao, M., Zhai, Q., Jiao, J., Yuan, X. and Poo, M.#, 2014. SIRT1 suppresses self-renewal of adult hippocampal neural stem cells. Development, 141(24), pp.4697-4709.