2021 至今 深圳湾实验室 资深研究员
2011-2021香港中文大学 副教授
2005-2011香港中文大学 助理教授
2003-2005芝加哥大学 博士后
1997-2002杜克大学 博士
1993-1997北京大学 学士
S. Qian, H. Wu, B. Huang, Q. Liu, Y. Chen, B. Zheng* "Bead-free Digital Immunoassays on Polydopamine Patterned Perfluorinated Surfaces" Sens. Actuators B Chem., 2021, 345, 130341
X. Ouyang, X. Zhou, S. N. Lai, Q. Liu, B. Zheng* "Immobilization of Proteins of Cell Extract to Hydrogel Networks Enhances the Longevity of Cell-Free Protein Synthesis and Supports Gene Networks" ACS Synth. Biol., 2021, 10, 749
Q. Liu, X. Zhou, H. Wu, B. Zheng* "Blocking-free and Self-contained Immunoassay Platform for One-step Point-of-care Testing" Biosens. Bioelectron., 2020, 165, 112394
H. Wu, L. Wu, X. Zhou, B. Liu, B. Zheng* "Patterning Hydrophobic Surfaces by Negative Microcontact Printing and Its Applications" Small, 2018, 14, 1802128
X. Zhou, H. Wu, M. Cui, S. N. Lai, B. Zheng* "Long-lived protein expression in hydrogel particles: towards artificial cells" Chem. Sci., 2018, 9, 4275