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桂龙博士长期致力于综合运用多种结构生物学研究手段(如冷冻电镜断层成像、冷冻聚焦离子束、光电联合成像、子断层图像平均等)研究生物大分子复合体的原位结构与功能。近十年来,桂龙博士采用冷冻电子断层(Cryo-electron tomography, Cryo-ET) 以及相关的电子显微镜技术,取得了一系列的研究成果,包括: (1)揭示了弓形虫顶复合体的原位结构及其与外分泌系统的紧密联系;(2)重构了真核细胞运动纤毛中动力蛋白调节复合体(N-DRC)的高分辨率三维结构, 并阐明了相关纤毛病的机理;(3) 探究了真核细胞中脂滴在应激条件下的相变过程;(4)以囊膜病毒为例,通过原位结构生物学方法解析了病原微生物如何入侵宿主细胞的过程等。


2024 - 至今深圳医学科学院 特聘研究员

2017 - 2023德克萨斯大学 西南医学中心 博士后

2016 - 2017华盛顿大学 博士后

2009 - 2016华盛顿大学 博士

2005 - 2009中国科学技术大学 生命科学学院 本科


2013    玛格丽特·R·戴维斯研究生奖学金

2008    优秀本科生奖学金

2007    优秀本科生奖学金

2006    光华教育奖学金

2005    优秀本科生奖学金



1.Gui, L., O’Shaughnessy, W.J., Cai, K., Reetz, E., Reese, M.L. and Nicastro, D., 2023. Cryo-tomography reveals rigid-body motionand organization of apicomplexan invasion machinery. Nature Communications, 14(1):1775

2.Rogers, S.*, Gui, L.*, Kovalenko, A.*, Zoni, V.*, Carpentier, M., Ramji, K., Ben Mbarek, K., Bacle, A., Fuchs, P., Campomanes, P. and Reetz, E., 2022. Triglyceride lipolysis triggers liquid crystalline phases in lipid droplets and alters the LD proteome. Journal of Cell Biology221(11), p.e202205053.

3.Pinskey, J.M., Lagisetty, A., Gui, L., Phan, N., Reetz, E., Tavakoli, A., Fu, G. and Nicastro, D., 2022. Three-dimensional flagella structures from animals’ closest unicellular relatives, the Choanoflagellates. Elife11, p.e78133.

4.Gui, L., Song, K., Tritschler, D., Bower, R., Yan, S., Dai, A., Augspurger, K., Sakizadeh, J., Grzemska, M., Ni, T. and Porter, M.E., 2019. Scaffold subunits support associated subunit assembly in the Chlamydomonas ciliary nexin–dynein regulatory complex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences116(46), pp.23152-23162.

5.Stoddard, D., Zhao, Y., Bayless, B.A., Gui, L., Louka, P., Dave, D., Suryawanshi, S., Tomasi, R.F.X., Dupuis-Williams, P., Baroud, C.N. and Gaertig, J., 2018. Tetrahymena RIB72A and RIB72B are microtubule inner proteins in the ciliary doublet microtubules. Molecular Biology of the Cell29(21), pp.2566-2577.

6.Gui, L. and Lee, K.K., 2018. Influenza virus-liposome fusion studies using fluorescence dequenching and cryo-electron tomography. Influenza Virus: Methods and Protocols, pp.261-279.

7.Gui, L., Ebner, J.L., Mileant, A., Williams, J.A. and Lee, K.K., 2016. Visualization and sequencing of membrane remodeling leading to influenza virus fusion. Journal of virology90(15), pp.6948-6962.

8.Gui, L., Jurgens, E.M., Ebner, J.L., Porotto, M., Moscona, A. and Lee, K.K., 2015. Electron tomography imaging of surface glycoproteins on human parainfluenza virus 3: association of receptor binding and fusion proteins before receptor engagement. MBio6(1), pp.10-1128.

9.He, Y.X., Gui, L., Liu, Y.Z., Du, Y., Zhou, Y., Li, P. and Zhou, C.Z., 2009. Crystal structure of Saccharomyces cerevisiae glutamine synthetase Gln1 suggests a nanotube‐like supramolecular assembly. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics76(1), pp.249-254.