Introduction to SMART
en Explore SMART Overview
The Shenzhen Medical Academy of Research and Translation (SMART) is an institute blazing new trails for future medical sciences.

SMART is on a crucial mission to explore new mechanisms that best stimulate original innovations while cultivating a community of top talents who are ready for pressing challenges. At SMART, translating science and technology into health for all is at the center of what we do. Utilizing a whole-process approach, we continuously push the limits of biomedical research in order to bridge the gaps in basic, clinical, and translational fields.

With our roots in Shenzhen, we at SMART are bold in dreaming big - to build the City of Shenzhen into an intellectual destination for talents and global powerhouse for biomedical sciences.
What we do at SMART is part of something larger: strategic, spearheading, and with global impact.
Core Capabilities
Sci-tech Resources Management
Sci-tech resources management at SMART serves the exploration of frontier biomedical sciences, solution to major medical challenges and the training of medical professionals. Transdisciplinary, multilevel and integrative are emphasized in SMART’s research paradigm. Based on a whole-process funding model, SMART provides robust financial support to the collaborative work of basic, clinical and translational scientists, contributing to accelerated technology transfer and innovation success.
Medical Sciences
Medical research at SMART puts the purpose of health for all into the action of all for health. Each SMART institute carries a founding mission inspired by frontier fields and recruits top talents through rigorous international peer review. SMART will convene a biomedical community where every member shares responsibility to solve problem and strives to lead innovation, advancement and breakthrough in our fields.
Education and Exchanges
Drawing global experience on physician-scientists education and training, SMART endeavors to nurture its own physician-scientists who can bridge the gap between bench and bedside. Leveraging the advantages of enhanced cross-border connectivity, SMART will create a platform to channel academic communications and exchanges for all young scientists across the global biomedical community.
Clinical Research and Technology Transfer
SMART creates a network which enabling factors for technology transfer (e.g. intellectual property rights, capitals, markets and etc.) are assembled to accelerate technology transfer and advance the integration of innovation chain and industrial chain.
Policy Consultation
SMART utilizes its professional talent resources to provide science-driven consultation and advice for government decision making. We assist Shenzhen Municipality in the masterplan design of biomedical development, making of medium- and long-term strategic plan for medical sciences innovation, as well as the regular issue of white papers on medical sciences innovation and development.