Principal Investigators
Principal Investigators
en Research Principal Investigators
Yuanyuan Yao

Principal Investigator

Research Area




Research Interests

Neural circuit and molecular mechanism of "brain-heart" regulation under physiological and pathological conditions.

Education & Work Experience

2023 - PresentJunior Principal Investigator, Shenzhen Medical Academy of Research and Translation

2019 - 2023Research Associate, University of California at Berkeley/HHMI

2016 - 2019Postdoctoral Researcher, University of California at Berkeley

2008 - 2016PhD, Institute of Neuroscience, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China

2007 - 2007School of Life Sciences, Peking University, Beijing, China

2003 - 2007BS in Biology, School of Life Sciences, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China

Awards & Honors

2022 MCB Outstanding Postdoc Award, UC Berkeley 

2020 First prize of 2020 Shanghai Natural Science Award, 4th awardee

2017 Chang Hsiang-Tung Outstanding Thesis Award 

2016 Outstanding PhD graduate in Shanghai 

2015 The Ray Wu Prize for Excellence 

2014 Invited Participant of the 64th Nobel Laureates Meeting in Lindau 

2014 First Prize of National Scholarship Award 

2013 Collaborative Scholarship Funded by the National Institute of Genetics, Japan 

2013 Sanofi Best Paper Award 

2012, 2013 Cold Spring Harbor Asia Fellowship 

2012 Annual Scientific Meeting of Institute of Neuroscience, 2nd prize of oral presentation

2006 Hui-Chun Chin and Tsung-Dao Lee Chinese Undergraduate Research Endowment 

2003-2007 Scholarship Awards of Lanzhou University

First Prize of National Scholarship Award

Guo-Chang Zheng Undergraduate Scholarship

Representative Publications

* for co-author.

1.Yao, Y., Zeke, B., Saffari Doost, M., Tso, C.F., Darmohray, D., Silverman, D., Liu, D., Chen, M., Cetin., A., Yao, S., Zeng, H. and Dan, Y.(2022)Cardiovascular baroreflex circuit moonlights in sleep control. Neuron 110, 3986-3999.

2.Liu, D., Li, W., Ma, C., Zheng, W., Yao, Y., Tso, C.F., Zhong, P., Chen, X., Song, J.H., Choi, W., Paik, S.B., Han, H. and Dan, Y.(2020)A common hub for sleep and motor control in the substantia nigra. Science 367, 440-445.

3.Zhang, B.* , Yao, Y.* , Zhang, H., Kawakami, K., and Du, J. (2017). Left habenula mediates lightpreference behavior in zebrafish via an asymmetry visual pathway. Neuron 93, 914-928. (* Co-first author)

4.Yao, Y.*, Li, X. * , Zhang, B. * , Yin, C., Liu, Y., Chen, W., Zeng, S. and Du, J. (2016) Visual cue-specific dopaminergic control of visuomotor transformation and behavior selection. Neuron 89, 598- 612 (* Co-first author)

5.Yao, Y. (2016). Exploring neural substrates underlying the execution of behavior across the whole brain. Neurosci Bull 32, 505-507.

6.Wei, H., Yao, Y., Zhang, R., Zhao, X., Du, J. (2012). Activity-induced long-term potentiation of excitatory synapses in developing zebrafish retina in vivo. Neuron 75, 479-489.